Thursday, January 15, 2009

Still cooking

I went in today to see Dr. Tabor. He has upped my dosage of Albuterol from 1 cc every eight hours to 2 cc every eight hours. Wish me luck!

About a month ago there was approximately 3 mm of fluid in her abdomen. Since then it has gone up and down quite a bit. When I asked him today he said that it was at about 4 mm. I noticed that it looked like quite a bit less than on Monday. He told me that he thought it had been at about 6 mm on Monday; however after looking at the chart he told me it was actually at about 9 mm. No wonder he looked so panicked! So her fluid is back down (though we aren't sure if this is the Albuterol or God or both!) and still cookin'.

I'll see him again in a few days and then again later next week. Hopefully he'll continue to give us the green light for more time.

After several suggestions I have contacted an organization called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. Emailing them turned out to be MUCH harder than expected. It made me feel like I have given up on my darling girl; which of course is the furthest from the truth. I'm hoping for the best and putting my trust in the Lord, but I suppose I still need to be as prepared as possible for the unknown.

Dr. Tabor informed me that I will be delivering at Harris Methodist and after Maggie's evaluation she will be transported over to Cook's for her pace maker to be put in. Subsequent surgaries will most likely wait until she has gained some weight and strength.

I have a few new photos and I promise I'll get them up soon...feel free to harass me until you see them!

As always thank you so much for your support and prayers. Each of you are like a candle lighting this dark path.

Love to you all,
Kelli and Maggie

2 comments: said...

I know it must be SO hard to think about the worst, but Now I lay me down to sleep is a BEAUTIFUL organization and if that moment comes, they will capture it forever. I would never wish that upon you and I am constantly praying for a miracle and complete healing for her little heart. I hope you can get some sleep in the next few weeks :-) Still Praying!!!~Nicole

Anonymous said...

Check out the blog-
The girl who writes the blog has 4 kids- and her 4th was born in October. He also had heart problems before being born and her doctor told her that he probably wouldn't even be born alive- but if he was- he would probably die. He was born totally healthy thanks to the prayers of thousands of people and big God. I hope it provides some encouragement for you. I will be praying for you and your baby!