Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where's my decoder ring??

I saw Dr. Tabor this morning and as usual he was brief and cryptic. Dr. Tabor used the phrase "in case we have to deliver" in reference to my Thursday morning appointment. The medication they have me on doesn't seem to be making the difference they would like, so I wouldn't be surprised if he decides to make Thursday the big day.

I'm absolutely terrified and trying to keep calm...but I'm not ready for this day to be here yet. Right now I feel like she's safe and warm and I can protect I am helping. However, if they take her then it's up to God and their (hopefully) very capable hands.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers this week; there's nowhere else I'd rather be!

-Kelli and Mags


Hillary said...

How scary for both of you. We will be praying for you and Maggie.

Anonymous said...

Keep us updated. If you need any more hands to hold please let me know. I am always glad to come. We are praying and hoping for miracles. Love to you and baby Mags!

karricisneros said...

Im so proud of you Kelli! I know you have been through so much & I am glad that you have stayed strong through all the twists and turns. I am praying for you and Maggie & love you both very much! I am sooo excited to see her!!! said...

Well then! If thursday is the big day...CONGRATS and GOOD LUCK and praying for the best!

Sarah Suzy said...

I am praying for you and Magdalyn this morning.